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_Biosphere 翻译

tamoadmin 2024-08-13 人已围观

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5.At war with the planet 课文翻译

6.明天课前要用,急求一篇四个人的搞笑英语对话 每人四句以上 内容要搞笑 要翻译 ,谢


_Biosphere 翻译

保护地球,从我做起 To everyone on our planet, Over the past years, floods, droughts, landslides, and dust-storms he frequented our planet, the only habitat of human beings. Several days ago, tsunami(海啸) has swept the Southeast Asia, which has caused enormous damage. All these he sounded an alarm to human beings.

The destruction which is caused by human beings has aroused people’s concern all over the world. If we pay no heed to the present destructive human activities, our planet will become of tomb instead of cozy home. What’s more, we should realize that only from our planet can we oain our sheltering, food, cloth and so forth.

Counter-measures must be taken to curb the destruction caused by human beings. Most importantly, laws must be established to punish those who are involved in destructive conducts


Biological diversity means the variety of living within a certain range of organisms regularly posed by combining the ecological complexes of stability. Including such diverse animals, plants, micro-organisms of the species diversity, species diversity and variation of genetic and ecosystem diversity. Among them, the species diversity is the key to biological diversity, it reflects the biological and the environment between the complex relationship between, but also reflects the richness of biological resources. We now know that there are about two million kinds of organisms, these kinds of biological species constitute the diversity of biological species. Biological diversity is the formation of organisms and their ecology and the environment as well as the complex range of ecological processes related to the sum of genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity components. Genetic diversity refers to the body decided to biological traits and combinations of genetic diversity. Species diversity is the diversity of species on biological manifestations can be divided into regional species diversity and species diversity of communities. Ecosystem diversity refers to the biosphere habitats, communities and ecological processes of biological diversity. Genetic diversity and species diversity is the basis of the study of biological diversity, ecosystem diversity is the focus of the study of biological diversity. Was asked, based on the study of nature can be inferred What are the characteristics of the work of the Creator, is said to British scientists Sanderson Haldane John Leighton replied: "too much like beetles." Because the beetle is the largest animal on Earth group.Telloy the United States the text of the Smithsonian Institution concluded that the majority of unknown types of beetles may not be able to survive in our near 30-meter-high canopy of tropical forests.


Ecology Tourism derives from 1980s, caused by the global environment problems.It is a consequence based on human being's action of knowing the law of the nature and observing ego ,which shows Sustainable Development Theory.

The subject of Ecology Tourism was firstly put forward on 1999 in China,even though the United Union named 2002 as the Ecology Tourism Year,we hen't broken the conventional model,nothing but enhance the self-restriction on littering and protecting flowers and plants, so it is not true Ecology Tourism.Please link the relation between human being and biosphere to understand its further meaning .

You may take the following two sides into consideration:on the one hand,focus on visitors,say to strength the environmental protection aspects ,to advocate civilized and scientific trelling,to pay more attention to protect environment ,to publicize the environmental protection aspects and start to do from yourselves,to keep the time and views in order and konw the correct purpose of trelling aimed at amazing your mood and cultivating your spirit. on the other hand,foucus on scenic development,to make a reasonable restriction on the number of visitors,to forbid the action of exploiting original entironment at random ,to ...









如果在未来的世纪气候突然 ——在十年内——发生变化,正如在地质历史上已发生过很多次,人类可能已自己编写了讣告。




A recent report by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences ( NAS ) states that global warming could, without warning, cause a sudden wholesale change in the earth's environment, leing little or no time for plants, animals and humans to adjust. No other disastrous event in recorded history will he had so damaging an impact on the future of human civilization and the life of the planet, the report warns.

A year ago the UN Interal Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) issued another report predicting that global erage surface temperature is likely to rise by 1.4 to 5.8 degrees centigrade between now and 2100. If that prediction holds, the change in temperature forecast for the next ten years will be lager than any climate change on earth in more than 10000 years.

The IPCC also warns of adverse impacts on human settlements, including the flood of island nations and low-lying countries, decreasing crop yields, especially in the southern hemisphere, and the spread of tropical deseases into previously temperature zones.

Global warming represents the dark side of the commercial balance sheet for the industrial age.

If human accomplishments were measured in terms of impact on the life of the planet, then global warming would be man's most significant accomplishment, albeit a negative one.

People he affected the biochemistry of the earth in less than a century.

If a climate change were to occur suddenly in the coming century - within less than 10 years, as has hened many times before in geological history - mankind may already he written its own obituary.

When future generations look back at this period tens of thousands of years from now, it is possible that today's only historical legacy will be in the geological record of a great change in the earth's climate and its impact on the biosphere.


Environmental crime prevention

Environmental crime prevention encompasses a range of substantive considerations. It must deal with acts and omissions that are already criminalised and prohibited, such as illegal fishing or illegal dumping of toxic waste. It must also come to grips with events that he yet to be designated officially as 'harmful' but which show evidence of exhibiting potentially negative consequences. Environmental crime prevention likewise has to negotiate different types of harms, as these affect humans, local and global environments, and non-human animals.

The aims and objectives of environmental crime prevention are inseparable from eco-philosophy. That is, what it is we are trying to prevent is linked to how we view human interests, the needs and requirements of specific biospheres, and the rights of non-human animals (White 2007a; White 2008). Environmental crime prevention also therefore encapsulates particular visions of 'the good society'. Crime prevention of any type always has ramifications for the kind of world within which we live, and the balance we make between liberty and social control (Sutton, Cherney & White 2008). For example, a strong ecological stance could well justify the prohibition of people from going into any wilderness area whatsoever, on the basis of preventing human interference in such areas. Whether alternatives are possible or should be made ailable is exactly what the political deliberations over crime prevention would he to address. The answer depends upon the specific vision - the perceived relationship between 'nature', society and animals - which is seen as ideal at any particular point in time.:


环境预防犯罪包括一系列实质性的考虑。它必须处理的行为和不行为,已经刑事犯罪和禁止,如非法或非法倾倒有毒废料。它也必须要应付的还没有得到正式指定为'有害' ,但显示的证据展示潜在的不利后果。环境预防犯罪同样具有谈判不同类型的危害,因为这些影响到人类,当地和全球环境,和非人类的动物。

的宗旨和目标,环境预防犯罪是分不开的生态哲学。也就是说,它是什么,我们正在努力防止链接到我们如何看待人类的利益,需要和要求,具体的生物圈,和权利的非人类的动物(白2007a ;白宫2008年) 。环境预防犯罪也因此特别愿景概括'的良好社会' 。预防犯罪中的任何类型的影响始终的那种世界,我们生活在其中,而且我们之间的平衡自由与社会控制(萨顿,切尼和白宫2008年) 。例如,一个强大的生态立场很可能证明,禁止人们进入任何领域都荒野的基础上,防止人为干扰等领域。是否有可能替代或应提供正是政治的讨论预防犯罪必须解决。答案取决于具体构想-知觉之间的关系,自然,社会和动物-这被视为是理想的在任何特定的时间点。

At war with the planet 课文翻译

It is konwn to all that plants are of great importnce to our lives .Humanbeings can't live without plants .First,most of them can absorb CO2 from the air and turn it into O2.It makes our air clean and environment better .Second ,plants can bring hiness to us .Take flowers for example ,they not only make us feel relaxed but give us a sense of beauty .Third , they offer us food and provide us with the resources that we need .In conclusion ,plants are our friends ,they do good to humans,all of us should take care of them

明天课前要用,急求一篇四个人的搞笑英语对话 每人四句以上 内容要搞笑 要翻译 ,谢

At war with the planet 翻译

星球之战 巴里·卡门纳

1.Human beings live in two worlds. Like all living things, we live on the earth, the natural world, which has been formed by physical, chemical and biological changes for more than five billion years. The other world comes from human creation, such as family, car, farm, factory, laboratory, food, clothing, books, paintings, music, poetry and so on. We are responsible for what hens in the human world, but we are powerless to change the natural world. Storms, droughts, floods and so on are God's "writings". Human beings can't control them and are not responsible for them.


2.But now, from a global perspective, the boundaries he been broken. There are holes in the ozone layer that protect the earth. Global warming threatens human beings. Even droughts, floods, thermoelectric wes and so on may be human carelessness


3.Just as the creation of the universe, such predictive global events he far-reaching implications. They change the relationship between the earth and its star, the sun. The sun plays an important role in the earth through two forces: grity and solar radiation. Grity is a stabilizing force that causes the earth's orbit to move around the sun. Solar radiation, mostly visible light and ultriolet light, is an inexhaustible energy that bathes the earth's surface and fluctuates with time and seasons. Solar energy provides the necessary energy for the process of life: it creates the earth's climate and governs the gradual evolution and current behiour of large and diverse biota. We he been abusing this powerful force, like the legendary rentices of magicians, without realizing that our actions are likely to lead to catastrophic consequences.


4.Just as the creation of the universe, such predictive global events he far-reaching implications. They change the relationship between the earth and its star, the sun. The sun plays an important role in the earth through two forces: grity and solar radiation. Grity is a stabilizing force that causes the earth's orbit to move around the sun. Solar radiation, mostly visible light and ultriolet light, is an inexhaustible energy that bathes the earth's surface and fluctuates with time and seasons. Solar energy provides the necessary energy for the process of life: it creates the earth's climate and governs the gradual evolution and current behiour of large and diverse biota. We he been abusing this powerful force, like the legendary rentices of magicians, without realizing that our actions are likely to lead to catastrophic consequences.


5.Obviously, we need to understand in depth the interaction between these two worlds: one is the ecosphere on which the thin surface air, water, soil, plants and animals depend; the other is the artificial biosphere, whose enormous power fully deserves the title. Such a large and strong technological circle has changed the natural process of controlling the natural circle. Then the changed ecosphere has inundated our cities, depleted abundant farm resources, polluted food and water, and poisoned our bodies - depriving us of the ability to supply basic human needs. Humanity's encroachment on the ecosphere has been countered. The two worlds are at war.




7.In the technological circle, the relationship between members, i.e. many kinds of man-made objects, is different relative to their environment. For example, cars stand in communities without restrictions; cars of the same type can run on the bustling Los Angeles Highway or on quiet country roads. Cars are manufactured for sale, as a commodity, without considering that they are suitable for external conditions: transportation systems or the environment. Of course, all cars need access and proper brakes, lights, horns, etc. But as every resident of Los Angeles or New York knows, in recent years, crowded streets and highways he been filled with long cars. These cars are designed to cater to buyers and profit manufacturers, but seldom to suit the environment.


8.It is not surprising that automobiles he environmentally unfourable properties only to cater to buyers and manufacturers. People he successfully designed new cars that are comfortable and fast, without considering the essential elements of the environment - human beings themselves and their need for clean, smokeless air.


9.Even farms so close to nature in the technological world suffer from the same conflict with the environment. As artificial objects, farms are only designed to produce crops. Therefore, after World War II, agronomists strongly advocated increasing the input of chemical nitrogen fertilizer. Production has increased, but not in direct proportion to fertilizer input; year after year, crops he absorbed fewer and fewer fertilizers, most of which are lost to groundwater through soil, and pollute rivers, lakes and freshwater supplies in the form of nitrates. Nitrogen fertilizers are sold only to increase production, and even manufactured solely to increase the profits of the chemical industry. When inorganic nitrogen fertilizers were introduced in the 1950s, little attention was paid to their ecological conditions in soil/water systems and the hazards of increasing nitrate concentration in drinking water.


lO.The second ecological law - "Everything can be transformed into something else" - is combined with the first one, reflecting the importance of circulation in the natural circle. For example, in aquatic ecosystems, the chemical elements involved move through closed circulation processes. When fish breathe, they produce carbon dioxide, which is then absorbed by aquatic plants and used for photosynthesis to produce the oxygen they need to breathe. Fish secrete nitrogen-containing organic compounds; when wastes are decomposed by aquatic bacteria and moulds, organic nitrogen is converted into nitrates; in turn, nitrates are essential nutrients for aquatic algae; when aquatic algae are absorbed by fish, they will contribute to the production of organic wastes, and this cycle is completed. In this closed cycle system, there is no real "waste" and everything generated in the cycle will be converted into something else and used in the next step.


11.Contrary to the ecosphere, the technological sphere is determined by linear processes. Crops and animals that feed on them are eaten; and their waste is washed into sewers and disposed of to form a constant but varied quantity, and then the remainder is dumped into rivers or oceans, thus disrupting the natural waters ecosystem. Uranium is mined and processed into atomic fuel for energy production, which is then converted into highly radioactive nuclear waste. To prevent environmental pollution, these nuclear waste must be carefully stored for thousands of years. But so far, custody has been ineffective. Now the main energy source in the technology circle is fossil fuels. Once used up, it will never live again. The ultimate consequence of linear processes is the threat of air pollution and global warming. So in the technological world, substances are linearly converted to waste: crops are converted to waste; uranium is radioactive residue; and fossil fuels are converted to carbon dioxide. In the technological circle, the end of the straight line is always waste, which is an attack on the circulation process of the ecosystem.




1.Today, I want to tell you a joke, the three countries onto ghosts, the Chinese, French, British, gather together,they are squandering their respective countries to see whose spending even more strongly that the French people to put only rats drank whiskey irrigation, drinking,No go rat holes that rats on the dizzy, the British Brandy also filling the rats, the rats drank just afterHalo quickly on the Chinese people to the country's irrigation Erguotou mice, rats drilling holes.While Britain and France onto China onto the ghosts of ghosts laugh when I saw the rats out from the pit, holding a stick, shouting, cats,You give up.

2.Once upon a time ,a stupid guy went to the doctor's.

"What's the matter with you",asked the doctor.

"I he been broken all!",said the fool .

"Broken all,what's it mean?",the doctor was surprised.

Then,the fool pointed to his head and said:"Ouch!There is something wrong with my head."after that,he pointed to his back and said :"ouch,my back hurt."then,he touch his nose and said:"ouch,my nose hurt"……

The doctor thought a while and said :"you he a bad finger"



3.A man goes to church and starts talking to God. He says: "God, what is a million dollars to you?" and God says: "A penny", then the man says: "God, what is a million years to you?" and God says: "a second", then the man says: "God, can I he a penny?" and God says "In a second"

一男子进入教堂和上帝对话.他问:"主啊, 一百万美元对你意味着多少?"上帝回答:"一便士."男子又问:"那一百万年呢?"上帝说:"一秒钟."最后男子请求道:"上帝,我能得到一便士吗?"上帝回答:"过一秒钟."

4.Four best friends met at the hospital since their wives were giving births to their babies. The nurse comes up to the first man and says, "Congratulations, you got twins." The man said "How strange, I'm the manager of Minnesota Twins." After awhile the nurse comes up to the second man and says, "Congratulations, you got triplets." Man was like "Hmmm, strange I worked as a director for the "3 musketeers." Finally, the nurse comes up to the third man and says

"Congratulations, you got twins x2." Man is hy and says, "Ironic, I work for the hotel "4 Seasons." All three of them are hy until they see their last buddy jumping all over the place, cursing God and banging his head on the wall. They asked him what's wrong and he answered, "What's wrong? I work for 7up"!




A: Hi, dou you know what time the Olympic Games will be hold in Beijing?

B: It will be hold in Aug. 8th 2008. What's up?

C: We are planning went to Beijing during the Olympic Games!

B: Really? That's great! The Olympic will be hold during our summer vocation!,I think we he enough time to prepare what we can do for the Olympic!

A、C: Of course!

D: Hi, my dear friends, what are you talking?

A: We are talking about something exciting , that is we will go to beijing in August to look the Olympic Games.

D: Oh, I want to be there, too.

A: Ok, if we all want to went to beijing, let's discuss what time should we book the ticket? and when shall we lee?

C:Yes, right! I suggest that we should arrival Beijing one week before the Olympic Game start.

B: Maybe one week were not enough...there will be a lot of pepole from all over the world in beijing during the Olympic! We should arrive to Beijing two weeks before the Game.

D: Yes, I agree with you!

A: Right, I am afraid that it will be difficult for us to find a hotel to rest. So we need to book the hotel as soon as possible!

C: All right. I will try to contact the hotel. If I he any news I will inform you are as soon as possible!

A、B、D: OK!


HOST: Life in the future will be really exciting. We may live on the moon or even another planet! Scientists are studying this right now. How? Well, let’s watch this story and find out!


This is Biosphere 2.

Scientists built this place in the 1980s. They wanted to study the earth’s environment, and learn the best way to build a similar place on the moon and on the planet Mars.

This is a model of Biosphere 2. It has different kinds of places, of biomes. There’s an ocean, a rain forest, a grassland, a marsh, a desert, a farmland, and a human habitat.

Today, scientists use Biosphere 2 to study many different things, but not how to build a place to live in on the moon or on Mars.

This is a model of Biosphere 2. It has different kinds of places, or biomes. There’s an ocean, a rain forest, a grassland, a marsh, a desert, a farmland, and a human habitat.

Today, scientists use Biosphere 2 to study many different things, but not how to build a place o live in on the moon or on Mars. One important thing they are studying in Biosphere 2 is the change in climate, or weather. They want to learn why the climate is changing.

And they want to learn how this affects the earth and everything that lives on the earth.

Scientists say that in the future, people will he o make difficult choices about how they live on our planet.

What kinds of choices do you think people will he to make?

Jilin, very good, a small province.

Jilin population accounts for only 2% of the total population in the country's 23 provinces ranked No. 20.

Jilin population accounts for only 2% of the total population, but produces 20% of cars in China.

Jilin population accounts for only 2% of the total population, but produces 80% of China's Railway Vehicles.

Jilin population accounts for only 2% of the total population, but produced the most grain, grain production in Jilin Province has been China's largest province, Jilin Province, the per capita share of grain, food commodity rate, adjust the quantity of grain and corn exports tops in the nation.

Jilin population accounts for only 2% of the total population, it has 64 universities, representing about 4% of the country. One of Jilin University is the largest and most comprehensive university disciplines. Is also China's only 7 500 universities.

Jilin population accounts for only 2% of the total population, with 36 academicians, professional and technical personnel more than 70 million people, erage people he scientists, engineers, and the number of tops in the college students all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities in the 6th. Non-illiteracy rate of 98.5%, ranking No. 5.

Jilin Province is the sole owner of the 23 provinces of the world top 500 enterprises in the province.

Jilin Province is the only three of 23 provinces he 500 one of the University of the province.

The degree of modernization of Jilin Province in the country of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities ranked 9th.

42.5% forest coverage rate in Jilin Province, is building the National Ecological Province of two pilot provinces.

Changbai Mountain in Jilin Province is a virgin forest in eastern, central is the fertile black soil, is the world's one of only three black belt, western Jilin Province is the kidney of the earth, wetlands, there is China's seventh largest freshwater lake - Lake Charles dried, and wetland area known as the sea, Crane Dance Yingxiang, the United States do not receive Sheng.

Sable, antler, Jilin ginseng world knows. It can be said is basically that of Jilin Northeast Sambo Sambo, Jilin ginseng, deer horn output ranks first in the country for the best quality.

Jilin Changbai Mountain is the United Nations as "Man and Biosphere" natural reserve, also known as the treasure house of Chinese medicine one of the three. Tianchi is the deepest lake in China, but also the Songhua, Tumen River, Yalu River, Three Rivers.

Originated in the Songhua River in Jilin is the longest north-east, full power station built in 1938 was the first hydropower station in Asia, the dam's artificial lake is blocking out the Songhua Lake, 400 km, 40 km wide, clear water pollution , is rich in fishery resources.

Rate of urbanization in Jilin Province over 50%, far higher than the national erage.

The provincial capital Changchun, Jilin Province is a famous automobile city, cultural city, Forest City, Film City. Is the new Chinese auto industry, film industry, the optical business, genes and biochemical cause of the cradle rail vehicle industry. Is the cradle of Chinese astronauts. Is 15 sub-provincial cities.

Jilin City, Jilin Province is the second largest city, 400 years of Chinese historical and cultural city, known as the North River City's reputation as China's Jilin Rime is one of the four wonders, Jilin City is China's hydropower industry and the cradle of the chemical industry.

In addition, Siping City, Jilin Province, there are heroes, the wine city of Tonghua, and the Yanbian Korean populated cities.

Considerable latitude in Jilin Province in southern France, bred by Tonghua wine brand, has a long history, good quality wine has been the state banquet, the reputation of China.

There are abundant tourism resources in Jilin Province, Changbai Mountain, the Songhua River, and as the sea Needless to say, a small town set of security also has a World Cultural Heritage, Goryeo King City and the general gre. In addition, the Changchun Jingyuetan national forest or the year the largest artificial forest in Asia endless views of woodlands surrounded by a Bay lake, summer is a good place for summertime. Lianhua Mountain in Jilin and North Lake has a world-class ski resort, will host the 2007 Asian Winter Games, is a rare ski resort. Changchun pseudo- Moon Palace Museum is also well-known historical monuments and patriotic education bases, recorded the last emperor Pu Yi, the legendary life and the crimes the Japanese invaders.

Now, not yet a province of Jilin Province, but you can see her potential is enormous, I believe Jilin will he a better tomorrow